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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2008
1196 Main Street, Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio

Members Absent: C. Prager

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

CONTINUATION PUBLIC HEARING – Site Plan/Special Permit, 1800 Main St, Holden Hills/Mt Pleasant.  The applicant has volunteered to designate 5 affordable units in the permitting process with the Planning Board, and had not been granted a density bonus.  The 5 units will be taken off the inventory if this occurs, but has a minimal impact on the Town’s affordable housing inventory.  Other projects permitted under Chapter 40B receive a substantial density increase and are not eligible to have affordable housing provisions waived.  This is true for all Chapter 40B filings, whether they are LIP’s or conventional 40B filings.

The Affordable Housing Committee is in favor of releasing the 5 units from the affordable housing requirements provided the applicant agrees to provide the Town with the monetary difference between the affordable sale price of $133,300, and the market sale, (minus real estate fees), for the 5 units to be utilized by the Town for affordable housing in the future.

Roger Kane addressed the Board stating his goal is to sell 1 ½ units per month.  The Board and R. Kane discussed the different options of contributing towards the affordable housing inventory, market value of the units, and contributing to the affordable housing fund.  Out of 48 units, only 13 have been sold.

O. Lies asked if giving up 5 affordable units would generate funds for the town.
R. Ricker explained the 2 potential projects the town is looking to build out for affordable housing for the elderly.  One is Town owned, the other is owned by the Housing Authority.  The Board of Selectmen would have to accept the gift of funds to be utilized for affordable housing purposes.  He expressed concern that the applicant would not try and obtain a high selling price if all profits were gifted to the Town.
W. Ritter:  Discussed percentages per unit.  The broker gets 6%, and then there are closing costs.
A. Bonofiglio:  Should review numbers and percentages.
D. Lindberg:  Agrees with W. Ritter and O. Lies.
O. Lies stated that he did not feel enough time had gone by and sales were slow for the entire project, he felt the units should remain affordable.

R. Kane asked if the Board would agree that if the units sold for $145,000 or less, he would give the town $7,500.  If the Units were over $145,000 the amount would be $8,000.  The other option would be a $7,500 per unit, regardless of the selling price.
R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.

R. Ricker motioned to approve the site plan/special permit, incorporating all conditions of the approval issued on June 26, 2007, and reading the draft of conditions into record, with changes.  W. Ritter seconded.  Approved, vote 5-1, O. Lies opposed.  O. Lies stated that he thinks someone more knowledgeable should be looking into this.

GREEN BUILDING DISCUSSION / WINDMILL BY-LAW:  The Town of Bourne’s model by-laws for windmill development have been made available for the Boards review.  The Board should have a wind farm by-law ready for May town meeting.

R. Ricker provided Mass Megawatts Wind Power notes for the Boards review.  P. Harding stated that there are maps of where wind power would be most beneficial in Massachusetts.

O. Lies related what he has seen in his travels regarding windmills that are broken down and in disrepair.  He would like to see something added in the by-law about the removal of windmills after they are no longer useful.  P. Harding said they also need a way to keep the monetary value of the bonds updated.

W. Ritter explained that certain criteria would be needed for approval.  R. Ricker recommended starting with Bourne’s by-law and build on it.  P. Harding will be providing more information.

ZBA RECOMMENDATION – SPECIAL PERMIT, 456 Main St:  Olga Kwasniewski is applying for a special permit to open a Thai Restaurant in the Cardinal Realty building located next to Jeds on Main St.  W. Ritter asked how many parking spaces there were.  There is 1 space for every 4 seats, so there will be a total of 13 parking spaces.  The Board previously reviewed the site plan/special permit for the entire plaza.  W. Ritter motioned for no planning significance.  R. Ricker seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED – Chapin Road:  The applicants, George & Louise Howatt, Trustees, are creating one buildable lot in an R-40 zoning district.  The lot is entitled to endorsement.  W. Ritter motioned that the plan was entitled to endorsement.  R. Ricker seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  Approved.

June 10, 2008:  D. Lindberg motioned to approve.  R. Ricker seconded.  W. Ritter abstained from the vote.  Vote 5-0, all in favor, approved.
June 24, 2008: R. Ricker motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor, approved.

Asian Longhorn Beetles:  P. Harding updated the Board.  The USDA is reporting a preliminary plan to cut all host species within a quarter mile of infected trees.  The federal government is paying for the cost of removal.  They are waiting for the first frost to start cutting and treatment.
Memo from Mario Finocchio:  O. Lies received an email from resident Mario Finocchio asking the Board to address empty buildings and maintenance.  The Board agreed that this is not a Planning Board issue.  O. Lies will reply as such.
Deer Run Subdivision:  Complaints have been received regarding the dust.  The owner applied calcium chloride, since this time the rain has been steady.

NEXT MEETING:  September 23, 2008 ,7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:50 PM.

September 9, 2008, minutes approved:    October 14, 2008        

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary